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Dr Sarah Mangles
Positions: Director of the Southern Haemophilia Network and Consultant Haematologist
Qualifications: BSc; MBBS; MRCP; FRCPath; MD(Res)
Locations: Network wide
Contact Details: 01256 314793
Additional Information:
Sarah Mangles qualified from Newcastle University in 2000 and completed her clinical haematology training in London at the Royal Free, Hammersmith and St Mary’s Hospitals.
She completed her MD(Res) at Imperial College, London studying the breakdown of blood clots on the cell surface in patients with chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension.
Sarah started as a consultant in Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust in May 2013. She is interested in all aspect of haemophilia and thrombosis but currently is very involved in all aspects of haemophilia care including all the clinical trials run by the network as well as obstetric haematology.
Sarah became Director of the Southern Haemophilia Network in October 2016.